Question : Refer to the Exhibit. You are working on creating an OLAP query that outputs several rows of with summary rows of subtotals and grand totals in addition to regular rows that may contain NULL as shown in the exhibit. Which function can you use in your query to distinguish the row from a regular row to a subtotal row?
Question : Refer to the exhibit. After analyzing a dataset, you report findings to your team: 1. Variables A and C are significantly and positively impacting the dependent variable. 2. Variable B is significantly and negatively impacting the dependent variable. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers After seeing your findings, the majority of your team agreed that variable B should be positively impacting the dependent variable. What is a possible reason the coefficient for variable B was negative and not positive?
1. The information gain from variable B is already provided by another variable 2. Variable B needs a quadratic transformation due to its relationship to the dependent variable 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Variable B needs a logarithmic transformation due to its relationship to the dependent variable
Question : Refer to the exhibit. You have run a linear regression model against your data, and have plotted true outcome versus predicted outcome. The R-squared of your model is 0.75. What is your assessment of the model? 1. The R-squared may be biased upwards by the extreme-valued outcomes. Remove them and refit to get a better idea of the model's quality over typical data. 2. The R-squared is good. The model should perform well. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers see if the R-squared improves over typical data. 4. The observations seem to come from two different populations, but this model fits them both equally well.
1. When some of the input variables might be correlated 2. When all the input variables are numerical. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. When you are using several categorical input variables with over 1000 possible values each.