Question : Which of the following is not the Classification algorithm?
1. Logistic Regression 2. Support Vector Machine 3. Neural Network 4. Hidden Markov Models 5. None of the above
Correct Answer : 5
Explanation: Logistic regression Logistic regression is a model used for prediction of the probability of occurrence of an event. It makes use of several predictor variables that may be either numerical or categories.
Support Vector Machines As with naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines (or SVMs) can be used to solve the task of assigning objects to classes. But the way this task is solved is completely different to the setting in naive Bayes.
Neural Network Neural Networks are a means for classifying multidimensional objects.
Hidden Markov Models Hidden Markov Models are used in multiple areas of machine learning, such as speech recognition, handwritten letter recognition, or natural language processing.
Question : Suppose a man told you he had a nice conversation with someone on the train. Not knowing anything about this conversation, the probability that he was speaking to a woman is 50% (assuming the train had an equal number of men and women and the speaker was as likely to strike up a conversation with a man as with a woman). Now suppose he also told you that his conversational partner had long hair. It is now more likely he was speaking to a woman, since women are more likely to have long hair than men. ____________ can be used to calculate the probability that the person was a woman. 1. SVM 2. MLE 3. Bayes' theorem 4. Logistic Regression
Correct Answer : 3
Explanation: : To see how this is done, let W represent the event that the conversation was held with a woman, and L denote the event that the conversation was held with a long-haired person. It can be assumed that women constitute half the population for this example. So, not knowing anything else, the probability that W occurs is P(W) = 0.5. Suppose it is also known that 75% of women have long hair, which we denote as P(L |W) = 0.75 (read: the probability of event L given event W is 0.75, meaning that the probability of a person having long hair (event "L"), given that we already know that the person is a woman ("event W") is 75%). Likewise, suppose it is known that 15% of men have long hair, or P(L |M) = 0.15, where M is the complementary event of W, i.e., the event that the conversation was held with a man (assuming that every human is either a man or a woman). Our goal is to calculate the probability that the conversation was held with a woman, given the fact that the person had long hair, or, in our notation, P(W |L). Using the formula for Bayes' theorem
Question : Bayes' theorem cannot finds the actual probability of an event from the results of your tests?
1. True 2. False
Correct Answer : 2
Explanation: Bayes' theorem finds the actual probability of an event from the results of your tests. For example, you can: Correct for measurement errors. If you know the real probabilities and the chance of a false positive and false negative, you can correct for measurement errors. Relate the actual probability to the measured test probability. Bayes' theorem lets you relate Pr(A|X), the chance that an event A happened given the indicator X, and Pr(X|A), the chance the indicator X happened given that event A occurred. Given mammogram test results and known error rates, you can predict the actual chance of having cancer.
1. It does not have a target variable 2. Instead of telling the machine Predict Y for our data X, we're asking What can you tell me about X 3. telling the machine Predict Y for our data X 4. 1 and 3 5. 1 and 2
1. We asks the machine to learn from our data when we specify a target variable. 2. . Lesser machine's task to only divining some pattern from the input data to get the target variable. 3. . Instead of telling the machine Predict Y for our data X, we're asking What can you tell me about X? 4. Only 1 and 2 5. All 1,2 and 3