Which two statements are true? A. This is not the only valid for loop construct; there exits another form of for loop constructor. B. The expression expr1 is optional. it initializes the loop and is evaluated once, as the loop begin. C. When expr2 evaluates to false, the loop terminates. It is evaluated only after each iteration through the loop. D. The expression expr3 must be present. It is evaluated after each iteration through the loop
Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : Explanation: The for statement have this forms: for (init-stmt; condition; next-stmt) { body} There are three clauses in the for statement. The init-stmt statement is done before the loop is started, usually to initialize an iteration variable. The condition expression is tested before each time the loop is done. The loop isn't executed if the boolean expression is false (the same as the while loop). The next-stmt statement is done after the body is executed. It typically increments an iteration variable.
Question : You have been given following code
class Overloading { int x(double d) { System.out.println("one"); return 0; }
1. Adding the public modifier to the declaration of method1 at line n1 2. Removing the public modifier from the definition of method1 at line n2 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Changing the line n4 DoClass doi = new DoClass ( );