Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : Explanation: The Schema class encapsulates the notion of a schema for a relational operator. A schema is a list of columns that describe the output of a relational operator. Each column in the relation is represented as a FieldSchema, a static class inside the Schema. A column by definition has an alias, a type and a possible schema (if the column is a bag or a tuple). In addition, each column in the schema has a unique auto generated name used for tracking the lineage of the column in a sequence of statements. The lineage of the column is tracked using a map of the predecessors' columns to the operators that generate the predecessor columns. The predecessor columns are the columns required in order to generate the column under consideration. Similarly, a reverse lookup of operators that generate the predecessor column to the predecessor column is maintained. Schemas enable you to assign names to fields and declare types for fields. Schemas are optional but we encourage you to use them whenever possible; type declarations result in better parse-time error checking and more efficient code execution.
Schemas for simple types and complex types can be used anywhere a schema definition is appropriate.
Schemas are defined with the LOAD, STREAM, and FOREACH operators using the AS clause. If you define a schema using the LOAD operator, then it is the load function that enforces the schema (see LOAD and User Defined Functions for more information).
Question : You are provided four different datasets. Initial analysis on these datasets show that they have identical mean, variance and correlation values. What should your next step in the analysis be?
1. Select one of the four datasets and begin planning and building a model 2. Combine the data from all four of the datasets and begin planning and bulding a model 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Visualize the data to further explore the characteristics of each data set
Question : You are asked to create a model to predict the total number of monthly subscribers for a specific magazine. You are provided with 1 year's worth of subscription and payment data, user demographic data, and 10 years worth of content of the magazine (articles and pictures). Which algorithm is the most appropriate for building a predictive model for subscribers?
Explanation: A data model explicitly describes a relationship between predictor and response variables. Linear regression fits a data model that is linear in the model coefficients. The most common type of linear regression is a least-squares fit, which can fit both lines and polynomials, among other linear models.
Before you model the relationship between pairs of quantities, it is a good idea to perform correlation analysis to establish if a linear relationship exists between these quantities. Be aware that variables can have nonlinear relationships, which correlation analysis cannot detect. For more information, see Linear Correlation.
If you need to fit data with a nonlinear model, transform the variables to make the relationship linear. Alternatively, try to fit a nonlinear function directly using either the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox nlinfit function, the Optimization Toolbox lsqcurvefit function, or by applying functions in the Curve Fitting Toolbox.