Question : View the Exhibit and examine the data in the products table. You need to display product names from the products table that belong to the 'software/other' category with minimum prices as either S2000 or S4000 and no unit of measure. You issue the given query:
Which statement is true regarding the above query? 1. It executes successfully but returns no result. 2. It executes successfully and returns the required result.
3. It generates an error because the condition specified for PROD_UNIT_OF_MEASURE is not valid.
4. It generates an error because the condition specified for the prod category column is not valid.
Correct Answer : 1
Question : You need to display the first names of all customers from the customers table that contain the character 'e' and have the character 'a' in the second last position. Which query would give the required output?
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D
Correct Answer : 1 Explanation: The SUBSTR(string, start position, number of characters) function accepts three parameters and returns a string consisting of the number of characters extracted from the source string, beginning at the specified start position: substr('', 12, 6) = domain The position at which the first character of the returned string begins. When position is 0 (zero), then it is treated as 1. When position is positive, then the function counts from the beginning of string to find the first character. When position is negative, then the function counts backward from the end of string. substring_length The length of the returned string. SUBSTR calculates lengths using characters as defined by the input character set. SUBSTRB uses bytes instead of characters. SUBSTRC uses Unicode complete characters. SUBSTR2 uses UCS2 code points. SUBSTR4 uses UCS4 code points. When you do not specify a value for this argument, then the function The INSTR(source string, search item, [start position], [nth occurrence of search item]) function returns a number that represents the position in the source string, beginning from the given start position, where the nth occurrence of the search item begins: instr('', '.', 1, 2) = 18
Question : Examine the structure of the customers table: CUSTNO is the primary key in the table. You want to find out if any customers' details have been entered more than once using different CUSTNO, by listing all the duplicate names. Which two methods can you use to get the required result?
A. Self-join B. Subquery C. Full outer-join with self-join D. Left outer-join with self-join E. Right outer-join with self-join
1. A,C 2. A,B 3. D,E 4. B,F 5. B,D
Correct Answer : 2
Explanation: Let's illustrate the need for a self join with an example. Suppose we have the following table - that is called employee. The employee table has 2 columns - one for the employee name (called employee_name), and one for the employee location (called employee_location): employee employee_name employee_location Joe New York Sunil India Alex Russia Albert Canada Jack New York Now, suppose we want to find out which employees are from the same location as the employee named Joe. In this example, that location would be New York. Let's assume - for the sake of our example - that we can not just directly search the table for people who live in New York with a simple query like this (maybe because we don't want to hardcode the city name) in the SQL query: SELECT employee_name FROM employee WHERE employee_location = "New York" So, instead of a query like that what we could do is write a nested SQL query (basically a query within another query - which more commonly called a subquery) like this: SELECT employee_name FROM employee WHERE employee_location in ( SELECT employee_location FROM employee WHERE employee_name = "Joe") Using a subquery for such a simple question is inefficient. Is there a more efficient and elegant solution to this problem? It turns out that there is a more efficient solution - we can use something called a self join. A self join is basically when a table is joined to itself. The way you should visualize a self join for a given table is by imagining that a join is performed between two identical copies of that table. And that is exactly why it is called a self join - because of the fact that it's just the same table being joined to another copy of itself rather than being joined with a different table. How does a self join work : Before we come up with a solution for this problem using a self join, we should go over some concepts so that you can fully understand how a self join works. This will also make the SQL in our self join tutorial a lot easier to understand, which you will see further below. A self join must have aliases : In a self join we are joining the same table to itself by essentially creating two copies of that table. But, how do we distinguish between the two different copies of the table - because there is only one table name after all? Well, when we do a self join, the table names absolutely must use aliases otherwise the column names would be ambiguous. In other words, we would not know which table's columns are being referenced without using aliases for the two copies of the table. If you don't already know what an alias is, it's simply another name given to a table, and that name is then used in the SQL query to reference the table. So, we will just use the aliases e1 and e2 for the employee table when we do a self join.
Question : Which statement is true regarding the UNION operator? 1. By default, the output is not sorted. 2. Null values are not ignored during duplicate checking. 3. Names of all columns must be identical across all select statements. 4. The number of columns selected in all select statements need not be the same.