Question : Select the correct statement which applies for below query. SELECT supplier_id FROM suppliers INTERSECT SELECT supplier_id FROM orders; 1. if a supplier_id appeared in the suppliers it would appear in your result set. 2. if a supplier_id appeared in orders table, it would appear in your result set. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. None of above
Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : Exp: The Oracle INTERSECT operator is used to return the results of 2 or more SELECT statements. However, it only returns the rows selected by all queries. If a record exists in one query and not in the other, it will be omitted from the INTERSECT results.
Each SELECT statement within the Oracle INTERSECT must have the same number of fields in the result sets with similar data types.
Question : Select the correct statement which applies for below query. SELECT * FROM customers WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM order_details WHERE customers.customer_id = order_details.customer_id); 1. will return only first record from the customers table where there is at least one record in the order_details table with the matching customer_id. 2. will return all records from the customers table where there is at least one record in the order_details. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. None of above
Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : Exp: The Oracle EXISTS condition is used in combination with a subquery and is considered "to be met" if the subquery returns at least one row. It can be used in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
The syntax for the Oracle EXISTS condition is:
WHERE EXISTS ( subquery ); Parameters or Arguments
subquery is a SELECT statement.
Oracle SQL statements that use the Oracle EXISTS Condition are very inefficient since the sub-query is RE-RUN for EVERY row in the outer query's table. There are more efficient ways to write most queries, that do not use the EXISTS Condition.
Question : A query can have a subquery embedded within it. Under what circumstances could there be more than one subquery?
1. The outer query can include an inner query. It is not possible to have another query within the inner query. 2. It is possible to embed a single-row subquery inside a multiple-row subquery, but not the other way around. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Subqueries can be embedded within each other with no practical limitations on depth.
END IF; 1. SELECT COMPOSE( address1, address2, address3 ) result FROM suppliers; 2. SELECT COALESCE( address1, address2, address3 ) result FROM suppliers; 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers FROM suppliers; 4. SELECT NVL( address1, address2, address3 ) result FROM suppliers;