Question : A user is collecting records per second. The user wants to send the data to CloudWatch using the custom namespace. Which of the below mentioned options is recommended for this activity? 1. Aggregate the data with statistics, such as Min, max, Average, Sum and Sample data and send the data to CloudWatch 2. Send all the data values to CloudWatch in a single command by separating them with a comma. CloudWatch will parse automatically 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. It is not possible to send all the data in one call. Thus, it should be sent one by one. CloudWatch will aggregate the data automatically
AWS CloudWatch supports the custom metrics. The user can always capture the custom data and upload the data to CloudWatch using CLI or APIs. The user can publish data to CloudWatch as single data points or as an aggregated set of data points called a statistic set using the command put-metric-data. It is recommended that when the user is having multiple data points per minute, he should aggregate the data so that it will minimize the number of calls to put-metric-data. In this case it will be single call to CloudWatch instead of 1000 calls if the data is aggregated.
Question : A user is trying to create an EBS volume with the highest PIOPS supported by EBS. What is the minimum size of EBS required to have the maximum IOPS?
Explanation: A provisioned IOPS EBS volume can range in size from 10 GB to 1 TB and the user can provision up to 4000 IOPS per volume. The ratio of IOPS provisioned to the volume size requested should be a maximum of 30. 30=4000/x .Hence, 134 is the closest value.
Question : An organization is trying to create various IAM users. Which of the below mentioned options is not a valid IAM username? 1. 2. john@cloud 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. john#cloud
Explanation: AWS Identity and Access Management is a web service which allows organizations to manage users and user permissions for various AWS services. Whenever the organization is creating an IAM user, there should be a unique ID for each user. The names of users, groups, roles, instance profiles must be alphanumeric, including the following common characters: +,=,,., period @, and dash -
1. Access the log files directly from Elastic Beanstalk 2. Enable log file rotation to S3 within the Elastic Beanstalk configuration 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Connect to each Instance launched by Elastic Beanstalk and create a Windows Scheduled task to rotate the log files to S3.