1. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 2. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is less than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. how to terminate an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period.
Explanation: To create an alarm to stop an instance using the CLI You can use the arn:aws:automate:us-east-1:ec2:stop ARN to stop an Amazon EC2 instance. The following example shows how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is less than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. " At a command prompt, type: % aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name my-Alarm --alarm-description "Stop the instance when it is idle for a day" --namespace "AWS/EC2" --dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=i-abc123 --statistic Average --metric-name CPUUtilization --comparison-operator LessThanThreshold --threshold 10 --period 86400 --evaluation-periods 4 --alarm-actions arn:aws:automate:us-east-1:ec2:stop
1. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 2. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is less than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. how to terminate an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period.
Explanation: To create an alarm to terminate an instance using the CLI " At a command prompt, type: % aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name my-Alarm --alarm-description "Terminate the instance when it is idle for a day" --namespace "AWS/EC2" --dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=i-abc123" --statistic Average --metric-name CPUUtilization --comparison-operator LessThanThreshold --threshold 1 --period 86400 --evaluation-periods 4 -- alarm-actions arn:aws:automate:us-east-1:ec2:terminate
Question : A user is trying to create a PIOPS EBS volume with GB size and IOPS. Will AWS create the volume? 1. Yes, since the ratio between EBS and IOPS is less than 30 2. No, since the PIOPS and EBS size ratio is less than 30 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Yes, since PIOPS is higher than 100
Explanation: A provisioned IOPS EBS volume can range in size from 10 GB to 1 TB and the user can provision up to 4000 IOPS per volume. The ratio of IOPS provisioned to the volume size requested should be a maximum of 30; for example, a volume with 3000 IOPS must be at least 100 GB.
1. Create a new VPC with tenancy=dedicated and migrate to the new VPC 2. Use ec2-reboot-instances command line and set the parameter "dedicated=true" 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. Stop the instance, create an AMI, launch a new instance with tenancy=dedicated, and terminate the old instance