Explanation: Cell size - Practical limits to the size of values - In general, cell size should not consistently be above 10MB - For large cell size: Increase the block size Increase the maximum region size for the table Keep the index size reasonable
Question :
In case of Counters Synchronization is done on the RegionServer and not client side..
1. Copies the article txt file 12012014Articles.txt from default HDFS directory into the HDFS directory /hdfs/hive//warehosue/12012014 2. Copies the article txt file 12012014Articles.txt from default HDFS directory into the HDFS directory /hdfs 3. Copies the article txt file 12012014Articles.txt from default HDFS directory into the HDFS directory /hdfs/12012014 4. Copies the article txt file 12012014Articles.txt from local directory into the HDFS directory 12012014
1. It will cache the data so it can give high read throughput
2. It will cache the data so it can give high write throughput
3. If RegionServer fails before persisting the data to final location, data will be always avaibale and avoid any data loss. 4. It helps the even distribution of data across the all data centers.