Question : A user has launched an EC instance from an instance store backed AMI. The user has attached an additional instance store volume to the instance. The user wants to create an AMI from the running instance. Will the AMI have the additional instance store volume data? 1. Yes, the block device mapping will have information about the additional instance store volume 2. No, since the instance store backed AMI can have only the root volume bundled 3. It is not possible to attach an additional instance store volume to the existing instance store backed AMI instance 4. No, since this is ephermal storage it will not be a part of the AMI
Correct Answer : 1
Explanation: When the user has launched an EC2 instance from an instance store backed AMI and added an instance store volume to the instance in addition to the root device volume, the block device mapping for the new AMI contains the information for these volumes as well. In addition, the block device mappings for the instances those are launched from the new AMI will automatically contain information for these volumes. Block Device Mapping
Each Amazon EC2 instance that you launch has an associated root device volume, either an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume or an instance store volume. You can use block device mapping to specify additional Amazon EBS volumes or instance store volumes to attach to an instance when it's launched. You can also attach additional Amazon EBS volumes to a running instance; see Attaching an Amazon EBS Volume to an Instance. However, the only way to attach instance store volumes to an instance is to use block device mapping to attach them as the instance is launched. For more information about root device volumes, see Changing the Root Device Volume to Persist.
A block device is a storage device that moves data in sequences of bytes or bits (blocks). These devices support random access and generally use buffered I/O. Examples include hard disks, CD-ROM drives, and flash drives. A block device can be physically attached to a computer or accessed remotely as if it were physically attached to the computer. Amazon EC2 supports two types of block devices:
Instance store volumes (virtual devices whose underlying hardware is physically attached to the host computer for the instance)
Amazon EBS volumes (remote storage devices)
A block device mapping defines the block devices to be attached to an Amazon EC2 instance and the device name to use. You can specify a block device mapping as part of creating an AMI so that the mapping is used by all instances launched from the AMI. Alternatively, you can specify a block device mapping when you launch an instance, so this mapping overrides the one specified in the AMI from which you launched the instance.
There are two types of virtualization available in Amazon EC2: paravirtual (PV) and hardware virtual machine (HVM). The virtualization type is determined by the AMI used to launch the instance; some instance types support both PV and HVM while others support only one or the other. Be sure to note the virtualization type used by your AMI when you are creating your block device mapping because the recommended and available device names that you can use are different based on the virtualization type of your instance. For more information, see Virtualization Types.
Question : A user has created an EBS volume of GB and attached it to a running instance. The user is trying to access EBS for first time. Which of the below mentioned options is the correct statement with respect to a first time EBS access? 1. The volume will show a size of 8 GB 2. The volume will show a loss of the IOPS performance the first time 3. The volume will be blank 4. If the EBS is mounted it will ask the user to create a file system
Correct Answer : 2
Explanation: New EBS Volumes always experience a "First Use Penalty" in AWS; means there will be a performance hit on the first write to an unused block on the EBS Volume and will perform slower than subsequent writes. During this time you can experience spike in volume metrics like service times, I/O latency and then subsequently leading to normalization. It is observed that 5 to 50 percent reduction in IOPS when you first access the data on a volume. Performance is restored after the data is accessed once. Therefore, it is recommended that you read or write to all the blocks on your volume before you use it. $ dd if=/dev/md0 of=/dev/null In Linux, the above command reads from all blocks on a volume and pre-warms the volume. On Windows, formatting the new EBS volume pre-warms it. "dd" is not verbose by default so download and use the following script from the github, it shows the status of the pre warming of EBS Volumes #!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ]; echo "Usage: sudo $0 /dev/sdh1" exit 1; fi dd if=$1 of=/dev/null & pid=$! while true; do ps -p$pid --no-heading || break; echo "-- $(date) ------------------"; kill -USR1 $pid; sleep 60s; done echo "-- $(date) ------------------"; echo "DONE \o/"
A user can create an EBS volume either from a snapshot or as a blank volume. If the volume is from a snapshot it will not be blank. The volume shows the right size only as long as it is mounted. This shows that the file system is created. When the user is accessing the volume the AWS EBS will wipe out the block storage or instantiate from the snapshot. Thus, the volume will show a loss of IOPS. It is recommended that the user should pre warm the EBS before use to achieve better IO.
Question : sysadmin has enabled termination protection on an EC instance. The user has also set Instance initiated shutdown behaviour to terminate. When the user shuts down the instance from the OS, what will happen? 1. The OS will shutdown but the instance will not be terminated due to protection 2. It will terminate the instance 3. It will not allow the user to shutdown the instance from the OS 4. It is not possible to set the termination protection when an Instance initiated shutdown is set to Terminate
Correct Answer : 2
Explanation: Changing the Instance Initiated Shutdown Behavior
By default, when you initiate a shutdown from an Amazon EBS-backed instance (using a command such as shutdown, halt, or poweroff), the instance stops. You can change this behavior using the InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior attribute for the instance so that it terminates instead. You can update this attribute while the instance is running or stopped.
You can update the InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior attribute using the AWS Management Console or the command line.It is always possible that someone can terminate an EC2 instance using the Amazon EC2 console, command line interface or API by mistake. If the admin wants to prevent the instance from being accidentally terminated, he can enable termination protection for that instance. The user can also setup shutdown behaviour for an EBS backed instance to guide the instance on that should be done when he initiates shutdown from the OS using Instance initiated shutdown behaviour. If the instance initiated behaviour is set to terminate and the user shuts off the OS even though termination protection is enabled, it will still terminate the instance.
1. Perform a health check until cool down before declaring that the instance has failed 2. Terminate the instance and launch a new instance 3. Notify the user using SNS for the failed state 4. Notify ELB to stop sending traffic to the impaired instance
1. It is not possible that the stack creation will wait until one service is created and launched 2. The user can use the HoldCondition resource to wait for the creation of the other dependent resources 3. The user can use the DependentCondition resource to hold the creation of the other dependent resources 4. The user can use the WaitCondition resource to hold the creation of the other dependent resources