In supervised systems, the data as presented to a machine learning algorithm is fully labelled. That means: all examples are presented with a classification that the machine is meant to reproduce. For this, a classifier is learned from the data, the process of assigning labels to ye unseen instances is called classifi- cation. Unsupervised systems are not provided any training examples at all and conduct clustering. This is the division of data instances into several groups. The results of clustering algorithms are data driven, hence more 'natural' and better suited to the underlying structure of the data. This advantage is also its major drawback: without a possibility to tell the machine what to do (like in classification), it is difficult to judge the quality of clustering results in a conclusive way. But the absence of training example preparation makes the unsupervised paradigm very appealing
In supervised learning means Labeled Data , which is to be learned for examples in a test set. k-means clustering operates on unlabeled data. Both the Principal Component Analysis and the Singular Value Decomposition also operate on unlabeled data and are concerned with finding latent structure in data rather than predicting labels. Expectation Maximization concerns finding most-likely parameter values for a model.