Question : What is the state of Alarm during the ninth time period 1. OK 2. ALARM 3. INSUFFICIENT_DATA
Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : In the given figure, the alarm threshold is set to 3 and the minimum breach is 3 periods. That is, the alarm invokes its action only when the threshold is breached for 3 consecutive periods. In the figure, this happens with the third through fifth time periods, and the alarm's state is set to ALARM. At period six, the value dips below the threshold, and the state reverts to OK. Later, during the ninth time period, the threshold is breached again, but not for the necessary three consecutive periods. Consequently, the alarm's state remains OK.
Question : Amazon EBS ________ send metric data for an available volume that is not attached to an Amazon EC instance, because there is no metric activity to be monitored for that volume. 1. may 2. may not 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers
Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : Some AWS resources do not send metric data to CloudWatch under certain conditions. For example, Amazon EBS may not send metric data for an available volume that is not attached to an Amazon EC2 instance, because there is no metric activity to be monitored for that volume. If you have an alarm set for such a metric, you may notice its state change to Insufficient Data. This may simply be an indication that your resource is inactive, and may not necessarily mean that there is a problem.
Question : What is the below cloudwatch command mean
1. To send an Amazon Simple Notification Service email message when CPU utilization exceeds 70 percent for consecutive 24 hours 2. To send an Amazon Simple Notification Service email message when CPU utilization less than 70 percent for consecutive 24 hours 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers
Correct Answer : Get Lastest Questions and Answer : To send an Amazon Simple Notification Service email message when CPU utilization exceeds 70 percent 1. Set up an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic or retrieve the Topic Resource Name of the topic you intend to use. 2. Create an alarm with the put-metric-alarm command. Use the values from the following example, but replace the values for InstanceID and alarm-actions with your own values. Prompt>aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm --alarm-name cpu-mon --alarm-description "Alarm when CPU exceeds 70%" --metric-name CPUUtilization --namespace AWS/EC2 --statistic Average --period 300 --threshold 70 --comparison-operator GreaterThanThreshold --dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=i-12345678 --evaluation-periods 2 --alarm-actions arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111122223333:MyTopic --unit Percent The AWS CLI returns to the command prompt if the command succeeds. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers a. Change the alarm state from INSUFFICIENT_DATA to OK: Prompt>aws cloudwatch set-alarm-state --alarm-name cpu-mon --state-reason "initializing" --state-value OK The AWS CLI returns to the command prompt if the command succeeds. b. Change the alarm state from OK to ALARM: Prompt>aws cloudwatch set-alarm-state --alarm-name cpu-mon --state-reason "initializing" --state-value ALARM The AWS CLI returns to the command prompt if the command succeeds. c. Check that an email has been received.
1. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 2. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is less than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. how to terminate an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period.
1. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 2. how to stop an instance if the average CPUUtilization is less than 10 percent over a 24 hour period. 3. Access Mostly Uused Products by 50000+ Subscribers 4. how to terminate an instance if the average CPUUtilization is greater than 10 percent over a 24 hour period.