Question : Select the correct pseudo function for the hashing trick 1. 2. 3. 4.
Correct Answer : 4
Explanation:Instead of maintaining a dictionary, a feature vectorizer that uses the hashing trick can build a vector of a pre-defined length by applying a hash function h to the features (e.g., words) in the items under consideration, then using the hash values modulo number of features, directly as feature indices and updating the resulting vector at those indices.
The hashing trick takes a high-dimensional set of features (such as the words in a language) and maps them to a lower dimensional space by taking the hash of each value modulo the number of features we want in our model.
Question : What is the considerable difference between L and L regularization? 1. L1 regularization has more accuracy of the resulting model 2. Size of the model can be much smaller in L1 regularization than that produced by L2-regularization 3. L2-regularization can be of vital importance when the application is deployed in resource-tight environments such as cell-phones. 4. All of the above are correct
Correct Answer : 2
Explanation: The two most common regularization methods are called L1 and L2 regularization. L1 regularization penalizes the weight vector for its L1-norm (i.e. the sum of the absolute values of the weights), whereas L2 regularization uses its L2-norm. There is usually not a considerable difference between the two methods in terms of the accuracy of the resulting model (Gao et al., 2007), but L1 regularization has a significant advantage in practice. Because many of the weights of the features become zero as a result of L1-regularized training, the size of the model can be much smaller than that produced by L2-regularization. Compact models require less space on memory and storage, and enable the application to start up quickly. These merits can be of vital importance when the application is deployed in resource-tight environments such as cell-phones.
Regularization works by adding the penalty associated with the coefficient values to the error of the hypothesis. This way, an accurate hypothesis with unlikely coefficients would be penalized whila a somewhat less accurate but more conservative hypothesis with low coefficients would not be penalized as much.
Question :
Which of the following could be features?
1. 1. Words in the document 2. 2. Symptoms of a diseases 3. 3. Characteristics of an unidentified object 4. 4. Only 1 and 2 5. 5. All 1,2 and 3 are possible
Correct Answer : 5
Explanation: Any dataset that can be turned into lists of features. A feature is simply something that is either present or absent for a given item. In the case of documents, the features are the words in the document, but they could also be characteristics of an unidentified object, symptoms of a disease, or anything else that can be said to be present of absent.